Its been a busy week to say the least. It has also been a fairly enjoyable one, considering there aint been much in the way of swell (until today). Today I went on a solo mission down the coast, to a spot my own father discovered back in the very late 1970's. It's funny I mention that actually, as going down there on a weekday when most of the devonion surf population are busy at work.
I was clearly expecting it to be nearly empty. I arrived to see 2 of my mates in the lineup Luke and Paul. No one else.....Sweeeeet!
Usually when you come here, even on a weekday there will usually be at least on average 5-6+People, today it was me and 2 of my close friends.....Perfect as it does get a bit eerie if your alone which is very rare in this day and age!
After sharing a few waves with the boys for about an hour and a half they both had to get back to other commitments. I kindly asked them if they could move my car at the top of the hill in they're space when they left, as my car was nearly blocking the road where I parked it originally. I did ponder on the thought of those boys moving it as I kinda knew they would do something to wind me up! They ended up eating all my sweets and drawing all over the car with their fingers!
My car was covered in "GOLDEN COD" which is apparently one of my nick names!
Back to the surf. When they left I was fortunate to have the company of Justin Seedhouse for a few hours. Justin shapes surfboards from his house nr Hartland and they are getting ever popular with local Devon Riders like Mike Plackett and Alex Downie. Look for the CakeBoy Logo when your out and about these parts.
When Justin arrived it started hitting the banks better and eventually an average surf turned into a rather fun one! I was just a bit pissed off I didnt have my camera with me today as there were some nice line up shots to be had and would have given you an idea of what it was like.
Shoulder high super clean fun lefts and right just a few of your mates, thats what im into!
Here are some shots from last saturday at croyde.
I swear I nearly drowned on that first picture, Im about to get lip launched. It took the air right out of my lungs!
good stuff jordan!