I bet anyone that looks on my page thought I gave up the old blogging malarky. That's not the case, I just had a long winter out of action due to injury, so for that reason and the surf being generally poor made no news for me!All is grand now though, I've been back in action nearly 3 weeks now and I couldn't be more stoked.Being out for that long really made me appreciate what I do on a daily basis, SURF!
Also, the fact that I have been extremely slack with updates is also the reason.Now its easter, the sun is out more and the waves were pumping last week I thought I should get a crack on.
Lowtide Croyde last week |
The contest season is upon those who compete like myself are gearing up for it all. I have made a few dates of upcoming contests in my diary so I will keep you informed on where I am in the UK and how I get on. The first event of the year is being organised by my sponsor
Elusive, the event will be held at Porthcawl beach in south Wales in 2 weeks time. So I will keep you informed on what goes down.
I picked up my first pair of
surfplugs the other day, apparently the time was right for me to get plugs as my ears were lets just say a little clogged inside!