Sunday, 29 August 2010

Indo footage 2010.

Jordan Reed indo 2010 from luke parkhouse on Vimeo.

I told you lot you would hear more about that indo trip with the lads back in the winter.

Thanks goes to Mr Luke parkhouse also Paul Stevens and Josh Talbot for filming for this video.

Hope you guys enjoy it!

By the way I havent been anywhere near the Ocean this Bank Holiday as its been pap! So I shall be having a few beers with the boys and have a chilled weekend.....PEACE!

Friday, 27 August 2010

Bank Holiday weekend!

The HO! Last bank Holiday

Home is fun on Bank holidays..........

Im frothing.......well not entirely, but I have just finished work and I have bank holiday weekend off! Just planning on where to go surfing over this weekend, as Magic Lieweed have been getting my hopes up far too much over the past few weeks. Feckers!

Anyway I love bank holidays as everyone generally wants to get on the beers on sunday and that generally means all day too!

However this year is completely different to those in the past, YES I will be having a few beverages on sunday but I need to look after the pennies instead of previous years gone by. So........ A)Im amped to surf all weekend (hopefully) and B)Me and my girlfriend Janine, are trying to save the coinage for Central and North America this winter. So to cut a long story short I wont be going mental!

On a more interesting note im hoping my next update will be about all the positives of a fun filled surfing/light drinking bank holiday....Enjoy peeps!

Monday, 23 August 2010


As you probably all know this has definatly been the worst August for swell in North Devon I and many others have ever experienced......Shocker!

There is nothing I like more other than surfing itself to day dream and talk about sick sessions me and my mates have had in warmer climes.

Since returning from Indo back in Easter, I havent really looked at any of the photos I took during the trip up until a few days ago.

This particular photo was taken after me and Paulo surfed Lakey pipe, when his board snapped doing a duckdive on a 3 ft wave!

Paulo is classic and is always up there for wipeout of the trip.....keep up the good work mate!

It was an amazing trip and me and the boys (Parky, Paulo and Josh) scored some sick waves over the 60 day period. I'm sure you'll hear more about it in due course.

So this post is dedicated to the flat period we have had to put up with during the end of July and all of August! PEACE...

Sunday, 22 August 2010

A Fresh Start

Hello everyone, or anyone! Welcome to my new blog page. Today I have launched my new promotional page, which is the beginning of many updates it will involve the day to day and week to week events of my life! As you can tell I love surfing and this page is mainly to promote my surfing, keep people up to date with what i'm doing and where I am and anything I think you lot may find interesting! Enjoy!

You can also follow me on Twitter and Facebook